Moneyball News - Summer 2022

Motivational Moment

You never learn anything if you’re the one talking.
— Gordie Howe

Story Time

Location, Location, Location

Successful outcomes are the result of having solid opportunity with good productivity.  You can boil poor performance to one of those two factors:  either a) too little opportunity in a market area to be successful or b) the store leader is not productive with the opportunity given.

A solid site selection process eliminates the first issue by ensuring you only open a location that meets or exceeds your site selection benchmark.  Here are positive signals that your site selection process is set up to win:

  • You know how many stores will fit and the target areas for those stores before you enter (or expand) in a market. 

  • You speak in drive times (not miles). A 3 mile radius can be a 6 or a 12 minute drive. In today’s world of convenience, that’s a big difference.

  • Your drive time for site selection does not equal the average drive time of your customers.  4 customers live 10 minutes away.  One lives 30 minutes away.  The average is 14.  Is it worth marketing 15 minutes for that one customer, who likely is within 10 minutes because they work in the area? 

  • Your site selection delivers a single market opportunity score.  For example, you determine that successful stores all have a minimum of 10,000 chances within a ten minute drive time.  This simplifies whether a location meets or exceeds the set opportunity benchmark to succeed. 

  • You talk cannibalization.  Opening a new store will eat into adjacent stores opportunity.  Can you clearly define that impact to calculate the net gain of the new store for the go/no go decision?  Plus how do you reset expectations for the stores impacted?

  • Your site selection is connected into facility size, marketing and leadership performance.  Would it help to know whether a poor performing store is an opportunity issue or a productivity issue?  Or that a top store has room to grow more?

Partner Spotlight


25% discount on services all day and every day for veterans, active duty military, and first responders.

A Commencement Closing

University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement Address Admiral William H. McRaven. Click image to play (19 min).

If you want to change the world:

  1. Start by making your bed.

  2. Find someone to help you paddle.

  3. Measure a person by the size of their heart, not the size of their flippers.

  4. Get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward.

  5. Don’t be afraid of The Circus.

  6. Sometimes you have to slide down the obstacle head first.

  7. Don’t back down from the sharks.

  8. You must be your very best in the darkest moment.

  9. Start singing when you’re up to your neck in mud.

  10. Don’t ever, ever ring the bell.
